
 As I write this I am sitting in my home office at what we hope is the tail end of a week long winter storm. Not just any winter storm but The winter storm of 2021 where the roads were closed, power went out, water stopped or required boiling, and, as typical, politicians pointed fingers. 

This is the same home office that I’ve sat in for the last 11 months due to the covid-19 pandemic so to start a blog regarding travel, food, and music seems a tad unusual. But here we go . . .

But Gareth, why a blog?

That’s a valid question. And I do question my ego thinking that anyone might find me entertaining or interesting but I like to create and part of creating is staring. But this is more for myself than seeking a wide audience. However if you have stumbled upon this site and you share some of the same interests then I would love to hear from you!

Note to future: Hi FG (future Gareth) this is Gareth from Feb 2021. I wanted to check in with you in the summer and see how you are doing. Are you keeping the site updated? have you traveled much? Has anyone visited your blog? Did you remember to feed the dog?
